internet services in baton rouge

Fiber Fast, Reliable Internet in Shenandoah

Ready to get started? Call 225-414-6124 Today!

Call 866-881-4738 today to make the switch!

Delivering better Internet.
Powered by locals in your parish.

Here in Baton Rouge, we love our local perks. So, wouldn’t it be great if you could get a little lagniappe from your Internet? That extra boost that gives you fast speeds and reliability without the hassle of contracts, bundles, and data caps? With REV Internet, you get just that – the best online experience plus the customer support of local teams, born right here in Louisiana.

Our ALL-FIBER Internet is REV’d up
with the reliability & speed you need.

  • Faster, more reliable Internet
  • Internet speeds up to 1 GIG
  • No contracts or data caps
  • LOCAL service and support

Contact Us

913 S. Burnside Avenue Gonzales, Louisiana 707370


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Get the fastest, most reliable service available.

Already a REV customer? REV up your neighbors!
Receive a $75 bill credit when your Shenandoah referral signs up for REV.*